Unhappy With The Wide Angle Lens Of The iPhone 11? Use Panorama Instead!
While the standard and the tele lenses of the new iPhones are amazing the new wide angle is a bit of a mixed bag. Especially in low light situations.
Recently I wasn’t very happy with the color of a wide angle shot. So I took the same photo with the standard lens in Panorama Mode. The result: Much better and more accurate colors and a bit more details. But also a lot more (but in this case) pleasing distortion.
Wide angle (0.5x)
Wide angle crop
Panorama (1x)
Panorama crop
What do you think? Let me know on Twitter.
The full iPhone panorama.
Since the beach at Menorca was so beautiful I also shot a 47 pictures panorama with my A7 and let Affinity do the math.
Back at home I let Lightroom on the Mac do an even better panorama out of the same 47 RAW images.